Pistachio! Rescue Ranger Captions


Framwinkle - 2001-08-23
1. Gadget: 'I think someone put something in my coffee, and I think I like it!'

The real reason she won't choose between Chip and Dale.
2. Gadget: "Golly! Sometimes I feel guilty about not telling the boys that I'm really an android. Or at least I would, if my emotions weren't simulated response algorithms."

Andrew J. Talon - 2004-02-23
1. Gadget: 'Helllooo, handsome!'

Robert (The Gnome) Johnson - 2004-10-08
1. Monty (off camera): "Hey, pally? Is our shela ok?"
Chip (off camera): "I don't know... I finaly proposed, and now she's been like this for the last 5 minutes. Gadget? You still in there...? Hello...?"

AJ - 2004-11-18
1. Gadget: "Hmmmm, dump these other guys and make a pilot about "Gadget, Free and In The City!" I think HBO would buy it!"

Beni - 2005-06-30
1. Gadget: "Well,..arn't you gonna kiss me?"

CCC - 2006-02-22
1. Lawhiney:"Let's see... goggles, jumpsuit... I think I've got the disguise right..."

Jeff Jedi Squirrel Hayes - 2007-09-13
1. Gadget: "Guys? Does this hairstyle make me look like Kristanna Loken,Jessica Simpson or Daryl Hannah? I wanna know."

Charles Johnson - 2008-03-18
1. Gadget: "Starlight, starbright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might... GET CHIP AND DALE OFF MY BACK TONIGHT!!! Guys, get away from my chemistry set!"

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This page was created on 2002-12-01

This page was last modified on 2008-06-16.

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