Pistachio! Rescue Ranger Captions

Framwinkle - 2002-12-01
1. Chip: "We gotta get our show back! That's the last time I babysit Drooley Davey!"
2. Chip: "That's it! No more cases until the pigeon convention leaves the park."
Midnight Man - 2006-08-27
1. Chip: "No more Gadgephile conventions. All these drooling fanboys..."
2. Chip: "What does that teach us about your tail, Monty?"
3. Chip: "It's great that they're making a movie based on Under the Bridge, but can't they at least afford some stunt doubles?"
Globus - 2006-08-29
1. Chip: "Great submarine, Gadget."
Meloa Epiphany - 2007-11-15
1. Chip: (*sighs*) "Well, it looks like our case is all washed up!"
Jeff Hayes - 2008-03-11
1. Gadget: "Chip could you please never sit us under Dick Vitale ever again if we go to a basketball game?"

This page was created on 2002-12-01
This page was last modified on 2008-06-16.
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