Pistachio! Rescue Ranger Captions

Framwinkle - 2004-01-11
1. After catching Gadget in the act of her morning ritual, we now finally know how it really flies.
Gadget: "Oh gods of engineering! Please accept this sacrifice of a 1/4 by 1 inch, hot galvanized hex bolt, so that the Rangerplane may fly another day!"
They're not left over parts. They're mechanical sacrifices! :)
Midnight Man - 2006-08-27
1. Gadget: "That's so easy that I can fix it with my eyes closed. Well, I should..."
CrashBurn - 2007-08-02
1. Gadget: "Zzzzz..... Wha? Golly! Dale and his late, late, late night shows. Hope I didn't forget anything..."

This page was created on 2004-01-11
This page was last modified on 2007-10-20.
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