Pistachio! Rescue Ranger Captions

Framwinkle - 2004-02-15
1. Tammy's flirtations become more serious, and in an effort to eliminate the competition, she goes a little too far.
Tammy: "She's not a real blonde, is she?"
Or even worse...
2. Now you know the real reason Tammy never became a Rescue Ranger: They've yet to find the body. ;)
Tammy: "Why, Chipper! Has she gained weight?"
Andrew J. Talon - 2004-02-23
1. In an effort to distance Chip from Gadget, Tammy does the unthinkable:
Tammy: "Chipper, isn't this the one you were talking about? 'The Old Ball and Chain?'"
Midnight Man - 2006-08-27
1. Tammy: "Y'know, Chipper, a true lady isn't supposed to smell like motor oil."
2. Tammy: "Oh Chipper, what are these unsent letters Bink has found in your nightstand?"
Charles Johnson - 2007-06-01
1. Tammy (still drugged from her dental surgery): "You know, you're right about her, Chip. She does wear a few sizes too big in the jumpsuit just to hide her cellulite. I always wondered why she refuses to wear a dress."

This page was created on 2004-02-15
This page was last modified on 2007-07-07.
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